* June 22 Board of Regents meeting
* Southern Colorado colleges advance education
* Biannual Policy Reviews
* Task Force on Efficiency gives president update
* New student information system in August
* Researchers receive $13 million in federal stimulus
* Invention could improve vascular disease treatment
* Better health through the arts
* People
* Forum
  Center of the American West compiles online report about oil shale
  New Science and Engineering Building gets thin-film solar panels
  Study: Breastfed babies do well in high school, go on to college
  CU Foundation wins national fundraising award
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To the Editor,

I am amazed by the apparent complexity that has developed during the "new" branding process of the university. Even though the whole university and all campuses are under one administrative umbrella of a president and the Board of Regents, it appears that each campus should have the common University of Colorado (UC) designation. Then the individual campuses should each have their own identity:

  1. UC Colorado Springs
  2. UC Denver
  3. UC Aurora
  4. UC Boulder

It makes no difference that UCD and UCA have combined administrations to make one administrative urban university.

Now, that took me 10 minutes to develop so my fee is $7.85 (or $78.50 if I wanted to really push it), which could save our university $784,992.15.

Jim Stevens
Pathology, UC Denver

The Faculty and Staff Newsletter welcomes letter submissions from current or retired University of Colorado faculty and staff about issues of interest to the university community. Submissions may be edited for length, style and clarity. Anonymous submissions will be neither considered nor published. Please send submissions to newsletter@cu.edu


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