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The Payment Disposition Data Form is used as the input document for direct deposit information. At the time of employment, a Payment Authorization Form is prepared by each employee at the department level and then sent to Payroll for data entry.

Data from the form are entered into the system via the Payment Disposition Data Screen which is accessed from the Personnel Update Menu. When an employee has a change, a new form is completed and submitted to Payroll for data entry. (Maintenance of this Screen after a New Hire Transaction is by the Campus Payroll Office.)

Following are descriptions and related codes for Form Preparation and Screen Data Entry, and instructions for access to, and data entry on, the appropriate screens.


ORGANIZATION ID Required. Enter the employee's ORG ID from the PAF, if applicable. DEPARTMENT NAME/ADDRESS Enter the employee's department name and address. EMPLOYEE ID # Required. Enter the employee's social security number. EMPLOYEE NAME Enter the employee's name (informational). EFFECTIVE DATE Enter the 6-digit effective date of this transaction. DISBURSEMENT TYPE Enter the 1-character code to designate the employee's pay disbursement. Valid Codes: C - Check A - Direct deposit (RMCHA) PAY DISPOSITION Enter the 1-character code to indicate where the employee will receive his/her or advice. Valid Codes: D - Department (not valid at UCD) H - Home Address ACCOUNT TYPE Enter the 1-character code to indicate the type of account. Valid Codes: C - Checking Account S - Savings Account FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Enter the identification number of the financial institution (max 9 characters). ACCOUNT NUMBER Enter the employee's bank account number (max 17 characters). ACH PRENOTE System generated. ACH APPROVAL IND System generated. BOULDER C.U. ACCT# Enter the deduction account number for this employee. A DU must be prepared. PS CREDIT UNION ACCT# Enter the deduction account number for this employee. A DU must be prepared.


From the Function Menu:

Type "01" at the "ENTER REQUESTED FUNCTION HERE"_prompt.


The Personnel Update Menu will be displayed.

From the Personnel Update Menu:

Type TRAN "023" and "EMPL ID" on the Command Line to access the Payroll and Tax Data Screen.


The Payment Disposition Data Screen (shown below) will be displayed.

Enter Payment Disposition data and Verify as described below.

  PERSONNEL               ***PAYMENT DISPOSITION DATA***                 PERU023 

  555555555  LUNA,LANA                            

          ACCOUNT NO  12345678901234567                ACCT TYPE  C          
          ACH PRENOTE  00000000                    ACH APPROVAL IND             
                           CREDIT UNION DATA                                    
   BOULDER CREDIT UNION ACCT                                                    
   PUB SERVICE CREDIT UNION ACCT                                                
 DC980009 YOU MADE NO ENTRIES ON THE PREVIOUS SCREEN.                           
 TRAN 023   EMPL 555555555                       JOB    ORG ID                  


Select Transaction or return to Menu.

Type the Screen number desired to process an additional Transaction, or change the "TRAN" to "000" to return to the Personnel Update Menu.


Note: Confirm that the selected Screen has the message: "Update from previous Screen successful."

The Screen that corresponds to the Transaction number requested will be displayed.

Continue entering until all Transactions have been entered.

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This page was last updated May 19, 1997.